Tuesday, June 25, 2013

16 More Weeks To Go

Looks like our mileage is piling up.  And it's nice.  It's nice that I can do them, as opposed to last summer when we were doing shorter miles.  I'm not feeling that heavy either, so it's good.
Monday 6/17 - 6M on treadmill.  Nothing fancy.  PM was spin class.  Very short, very high intensity intervals.  These spin classes are testing on my quads, but it helps much cardio-wise.  NYTimes seems to think so...
Tuesday 6/18 - "Optional 3 miles on treadmill," says Terry. "No faster than 10min/mile.  I'm 1000% serious about pace." says Terry.  Of course I do the miles.  Of course I can't stand to run at 10min/mile after the first 30 seconds of it.  Ah well.  Sorry Terry.
PM:  Faster Finish.  It's Strawberry Hill Repeats and I think I'm slightly stronger than January.   http://connect.garmin.com/activity/comparison?activityId=329978090&activityId2=262602040
Perhaps there is small progress. 
Wednesday 6/19 - Got up early to squeeze in a 9M run before work.  This goes extremely well.  I aimed for lower end of my marathon pace and I’m on target goddamnit.  But maybe it’s because I did clock-wise 5-4 loop…http://connect.garmin.com/activity/330387441 
Went to Pilates at lunch.
Thursday is OFF.  I didn’t even go to Pilates.  I did some shin strengthening work at lunch as I know I’ve been pushing pretty hard.  With Saturday’s 18M run looming, I was getting a tad bit nervous.
Friday 6/20 – Tempo run on the FDR.  This is interesting.  1.5M out-n-back on FDR.  Out is MP, back is 10K pace.  My Garmin managed to crap out like usual, so I have no idea how fast I’m going.  I end up off by 4 seconds on the back, making it for a disappointing run.  http://connect.garmin.com/activity/331020505
Saturday 6/21 – her comes the big one.  18M run.  I decide that I should do the proper thing of 6M loop X3.  I chicken out after completing the second loop and decide on a more whimpy path.  My pace is strong and I didn’t have any “I’m so over this I’m gonna stop” moment.  I did hit a rough patch at mile 11-12, but it was because I had to poop.  After a quick service stop at mile 13, I pushed through and generally had a good run.  OH, I picked a fight with that old dude in South Africa Flag shorts.  I think he only has one pair of shorts, as he’s always wearing it.  He’s been reaaaaaaaalllly annoying lately, telling people to keep to their right, when he’s the one going against majority traffic.  WTF. http://connect.garmin.com/activity/331020505
Sunday 6/22 – Easy 5M recovery on treadmill.  Sadly, my viewing choice were limited to infomercials or the Kardashians. 

Monday, June 17, 2013

17 More Weeks To Go

I believe we are in some sort of build stage, as while mileage is at a weight loss level of 50+ a week, I haven't had that many demands on pacing strategy.  Which is good, since I like to just run at whatever pace I feel like at the moment.  ha!

Monday (6/10) - 6M on the treadmill.  Nothing special.  Spin class at night.  Again, nothing special.

Tuesday (6/11) - AM: Easy 5M on the treadmill.
PM - Terry drops a bomb that this session will be his last Faster Finish class, so I decide that I shouldn't complain as much.    400m repeats at Tavern on the Hill.  I thought I was going faster than before, but apparently not that much.  Considering that it was pretty hot out, I guss the pacing isn't soo bad. http://connect.garmin.com/activity/326580532  I cheated the second to the last lap...

Wednesday (6/12) - 8M run was supposed to be at PM, but this morning was so glorious, I did it in the AM.  I felt strong enough to do it after a pretty hard FF class, which amazed me.  Orders were mile 5 & 6 at marathon pace, but since I cheated the day before, I decided that I should do marathon pace for miles 5, 6, and 7.  Love it when it all goes as planned.  I proceeded to go to Pilates at lunch.

Thursday (6/13) - felt like going to the extra hard Pilates in the AM, but slept in instead.  Went to an OK Pilates class at lunch.  Don't like this instructor, so I don't think I'll be back.

Friday (6/14) - Dreaded trackwork.  I.HATE.TRACKWORK. 
Orders:  2x400, 2x800, 2x1200. The first of each interval is at 10k pace, the second at 5k pace.
Result: http://connect.garmin.com/activity/328027345 ...it's OK except for the last one, which is 1200m. It was pretty cold and windy. I wore long sleeve T in June.

Saturday (6/15) - Orders were 4M easy run, but when I looked at the weekend weather, Saturday was definitely the better of the two days.  Low humidity, sunshine, cooler temperatures.  Besides, Sunday was Portugal Day Race in Central Park, so it would be smarter to do the long run on Saturday. 

I squished in my 16M long run on Saturday.  It was the first real long run since Boston - and it showed.  After mile 13 things started to fall apart with side stiches.  http://connect.garmin.com/activity/328027371  I tried to keep my breaks at water fountains and it was all going pretty smoothly, but after 13, I really struggled - especially miles 14 and 15.  Not sure why...maybe just lack of concentration.  I also learned a new mental explanation for going up a hill:  "You are controlled falling".  Somehow this makes for a faster turnover and hills felt easier.

Sunday (6/16) - 5M easy run on the treadmill.  Breaking Benjamin rocks.  When is their new stuff coming out anyways??!?!?!

I decided that I shall not complain about hard work or being tired this cycle.  If I'm feeling tired, I'm just going to pretend that Terry is a distant relative of Kevin Hanson. 

Monday, June 3, 2013

And We're Back

Last week was a bit of a mess due to a VACATION of a LIFE TIME.
I'm now not very happy with where I live.  I just want to quit everything and move to Maui, but then I'd be poor, fat and sad.  At least I can be finacially secure, fat and sad while in NYC.  hmph.

After returning from Maui, I did some illegal runs to put in some mileage and an attempt to lose some jiggles.  It worked, but now I have to keep it up.

And the training is ON.  Toronto will be here before I know it, and I want to be lighter and faster.

Monday (6/3):  7M on treadmill.  The heat wave from the last two days did not help with already jet lagged sleep.  I'm just sorely missing a solid, out-cold, kind of sleep.

Tuesday (6/4):  Faster Finish Week 1.  I'm now told that this series would be the last with Terry.  So sad...!  But we have 9 more happy weeks with him left!  Week 1 was the now golden standard, Lower Loop Progressive Run.  I SUCK at this.  I jump from 7:53 to 7:34 the second lap, making it near impossible to get any faster towrads the end.  http://connect.garmin.com/activity/323112164

In between Tuesday and Wednesday, I have mini-personal crisis, where I hate everything about my life. It's almost a Three Days Grace song, but it's not "you" that I hate.  I blame it on midlife crisis and hormones.

Wednesday (6/5):  We finally have nice weather, which results in me not paying attention and I end up going down Harlem Hill instead of turning East on 102nd Drive.  I do an extra 1 Mile than scheduled, but it sure did feel good and much needed stress reliever. http://connect.garmin.com/activity/323688476

Thursday (6/6): It's an off day, but I manage to do a slow jog to go get my bib for the OAKLEY Mini 10K.  I feel like I have to say the "O" word now.  Amazing what a little PR can do...

Friday (6/7):  I get my period.  Yuck.  But I'm secretly proud of this shake up run.  1 min on, 2 min off, times 10 for a 30 min run.  http://connect.garmin.com/activity/324340947  I mean, we're talking SUB SEVEN paces. 

Saturday (6/8):  OAKLEY Mini 10K.  Not much to report, but I go off tangent, losing some precious time.  Overall distance ends up being 6.33 (WTF) but pace is good at 7:22.  In fact this is really good pace for me.  Just need to learn to run faster or run the tangent... http://connect.garmin.com/activity/324835631

Sunday (6/9):  Easy 8miler.  http://connect.garmin.com/activity/324835643

I'm now officially done with the FUN part of my training, according to coach.  "Fun's Over." he says.  I'm scared.