Gah. I hate, hate, hate to admit this but I am feeling a little, tiny, wheeeee bit of FATIGUE. There I said it. The F word. I'll try to snap out of it now.
Monday 11/4: 5M on TM. I am fighting a baby plantar facitis. It didn't bother me too much this Monday.
PM was spin class, where I noticed that my HR was 10-20 BPM higher than normal. Not good.
Tuesday 11/5: Slept in. And I enjoyed it.
PM was Faster Finish Week 9. 30 minutes of Fartlek work on the Great Lawn. I am not a huge fan of going in circles. I had a sub-6 for 10th of a mile. A new record, or something. I think I went a bit too easy on the "easy" parts and used it as a recovery more than an easy run. I screwed up.
Wednesday 11/6: Midweek Mile of 6. I was getting antsy about recovery and while I didn't try really hard, I went out way to fast that I should have. My heart rate was all over the place and not taking things easy will definitely haunt me. After this run, my plantar did hurt. Ugh.
PM: Lunch Time Pilates goes well. Instructor actually says I'm getting better.
Thursday 11/7: Thursday Tempo on East River. I screw up the workout. Coach Terry wants a 20-30 second negative split on an out-n-back. I somehow decide that this is a 20-30 pace difference. So out at 7:30, back at 7:10 or faster. I nearly die because my HR is still high, air is dry, and I've got the coughs. I cheat and stop for some air at the end of "out" and then cough some car fumes out in middle of "back". I don't realize that Coach prolly meant that this was not pace, but TIME, so something like 12 minutes out, 11:30 minutes back. Meh, it's OK. It was a hard 11:40 out, 11:18 back. 22 second negative split.
PM: Evening Pilates goes bad. Instructor singles me out for being lame.
Friday 11/8: Delicious, delicious rest day. I nurse my plantar all day.
Saturday 11/9: 14M! I try to relax, but everything I remind myself this is how it's going to feel at mile 19. "Don't stop" becomes the riot cry. I struggle to mile 7, and I feel like crap. I'm angry and hating the fact that I have 7 more to go. But when I hit mile 8, suddenly things feel better. Yes, my foot still hurts, but I feel a little lighter. Ha, whaddaya know. It was my typical midway blues, where I lose interest half way into a long run - I have to remember this, or it takes over me, making my runs miserable. If I'm conscious about and warn myself, it never happens. I had forgotten about this weird mental trait.
There's so much to remember when doing long runs. Form, fueling, mental state and all the other tricks. Ugh.
Sunday 11/10: 45 minutes Elliptical. Nursed my plantar, had a hot bath, and got a really painful massage, courtesy of husband.
So heading into "4 weeks" to go mark, I'm not feeling the greatest. Bit on the overtrained-syndrome side, where everything is starting to annoy me, I'm a little depressed, and I just have no appetite. My stupid foot still hurts. I have a MP pace run coming up and a long run of 18. Need to snap out of this like yesterday. This is just a part of training and I know I was getting into this when I signed up for CIM, so just gotta push through!
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