Tuesday, August 13, 2013

ZOMG. Single Digits. 9 Weeks to Go.

Last week was a "light week", but week 9, we're back to normal load.  I clocked in a 55M week this week.  I also think, now that we're into single digit to race, it's time to lose da booze.  Yea.  Robbie did it.  I can too. 

Monday August 5:
All treadmill in the morning, then went to spin class at night.  Spin class turned out to be a LT ride, where it was continuous push.  I may suck at big sudden power outputs, but I can ride at even pace and power for a looooong time. 

Tuesday August 6:
Official DOUBLE.  AM was treadmill.  Nice easy 4M.
PM was my last Faster Finish with Coach Terry.  So sad.  But I did something remarkable.  This was Terry’s signature class at lower loop, where you go tempo then sprint, then tempo up the Tavern Hill, then recover.  You do this twice (well, sometimes three). 
This was the first time, I kept correct TEMPO pace up the Tavern Hill after the sprint portion.  In like 3 (?) or 4 (?!) years.  And that was after a somewhat uncharacteristic sub-7 sprint.  Way to celebrate the end of “Terry Era”!!  7:34-6:46-7:32 are pretty good numbers for me.

Wednesday August 7:
Here comes mid miles at 8Ms!  It always gets me worked up when it says “MP”.  Middle 4 at MP.

Thursday August 8:
Lonely Track.  I hate track.  I don’t think I’ve said this before…I hate track.  It’s like that necessary evil that you have to swallow.  A bitter pill.  The Brussels Sprout (I love Brussels Sprouts tho) of running world.  Original workout was 1200X4, 2@10K, 2@5K, 400 recoveries…but whatever.  http://connect.garmin.com/activity/355753687  7:27, 7:15, 7:16, 7:11.  Apparently the workout was 1200X4. 1@10K, 3@5K.

Friday August 9:
Secret.  I did a small illegal run because I felt really salt-bloated from a salty meal.  3M on TM at lunch.

Saturday August 10:
Long Run.  Had poopy issues all day.  I woke up with poopy issues, poopy issues followed me to the Park, it followed me to mile 12.  http://connect.garmin.com/activity/356476394
4@9:00, 4@8:20-8:10, 6@8:00-7:50, 1 as Cool Down.  (2 gels)  I was zonked out after this run.  I zombie around the house until 4pm…

Sunday August 11:
Treadmill day again.  It was nice out but didn’t have it in me to go out.  Zonkie zonk.

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