Tuesday, August 20, 2013

8 Weeks To Go and the TV Show.

These weeks are going down SO FAST it’s making me nervous.  Can I really run a 7:50ish pace for 26.2M?  Can I pull a sub-3:30 again? 
Well, this week’s been kind of a mixed bag because while my workouts and paces are steady, I now have a nagging shin splint (R) and a calf strain (R).  I would need to monitor this carefully and unfortunately, I’m going to be stuck with wearing leg warmers for a bit.  Yuck. 
Oh, and my post-20M no-makeup zombie face might end up on Cooking Channel (aka FoodNetwork.ca) of all things.  After my “10M race combo-long run of 20M”, I discovered that there was a Food Truck event right outside Prospect Park.  On my last Grand Army Plaza hill climb, I acknowledge that Taim Truck is there (shows how unconcentrated I was during the race…)!  My training partner has been raving and gushing about these guys, so I make it a point to go enjoy them post run.
6 miles later, when I finally get to them, there is a TV crew.  While all the other trucks are opened, the Taim Truck is being filmed for a show and not yet serving.  WTF.  I can’t get to the legendary falafel.  I am livid.  I am hungry.  My dope Power Gel had ran out about 9 miles ago.  I start bitching about how I just ran 20M and that I deserve the damn falafel STAT. 
Producers notice my bitchin’ and moanin’ and decide that I should be on TV.  I’m like NO.  I’m a 40 year old hag with no make up.  I look and smell like a zombie.  Just. No.  But after 10 minutes of arguing I relent.  I just want my sandwich.  If agreeing to these guys will make them finish their food close up segment and interview me so I can eat my sandwich, I will.  The show is a compilation show anyways.  It’s probably not going to air for another 10 years.  And it’s not like it’s a top viewed show.  We ain’t talking Food Network Star here.  I finally get my sandwich, answer a couple of questions on TV, make faces and I’m done. 
I don’t know what was harder.  Being filmed or running 20.  Being filmed, I guess.  I am certainly not the Food Network Star material.  Running a marathon is easier.

Monday  8/12:  TM – like 7M or so.  I can’t remember.  PM was spin class, which I really didn’t get into.  It was an odd class with bunch of heavy pedal pushing. 

Tuesday  8/13:  AM – TM
PM:  Solo Speed Work #1.  Tempo 72nd to 72nd.  Saw two people from Faster Finish mingled in the marathon class.  Saw some other guy who said hi, but can’t remember who he is…http://connect.garmin.com/activity/358531118

Wednesday  8/14: 8M Easy.  http://connect.garmin.com/activity/359239018  Terry probably will not approve of this run.  Oh well.  After somewhat of a humid Tuesday, this was a really gorgeous day and I just couldn’t stop myself. 

Thursday  8/15: That Cat Hill Thing.
Last time I did this was in Faster Finish.  My “fast” parts are faster, which is good.  But I suspect the weather had more to do with it than me.  I was tired when I started this and needed like a good 5 minute talk with myself just to get started. 

Saturday  8/16: Easy 5.   Preppin’ for the 10M.  http://connect.garmin.com/activity/360307492

Sunday 8/17:  Said to myself, this is where YHC trains.  I’m going to be fast like her!!

Interestingly it was identical to Cherry Tree 10M in February.  Not sure if this is a good thing or bad.  At least is wasn’t slower.  That would be awful.

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

ZOMG. Single Digits. 9 Weeks to Go.

Last week was a "light week", but week 9, we're back to normal load.  I clocked in a 55M week this week.  I also think, now that we're into single digit to race, it's time to lose da booze.  Yea.  Robbie did it.  I can too. 

Monday August 5:
All treadmill in the morning, then went to spin class at night.  Spin class turned out to be a LT ride, where it was continuous push.  I may suck at big sudden power outputs, but I can ride at even pace and power for a looooong time. 

Tuesday August 6:
Official DOUBLE.  AM was treadmill.  Nice easy 4M.
PM was my last Faster Finish with Coach Terry.  So sad.  But I did something remarkable.  This was Terry’s signature class at lower loop, where you go tempo then sprint, then tempo up the Tavern Hill, then recover.  You do this twice (well, sometimes three). 
This was the first time, I kept correct TEMPO pace up the Tavern Hill after the sprint portion.  In like 3 (?) or 4 (?!) years.  And that was after a somewhat uncharacteristic sub-7 sprint.  Way to celebrate the end of “Terry Era”!!  7:34-6:46-7:32 are pretty good numbers for me.

Wednesday August 7:
Here comes mid miles at 8Ms!  It always gets me worked up when it says “MP”.  Middle 4 at MP.

Thursday August 8:
Lonely Track.  I hate track.  I don’t think I’ve said this before…I hate track.  It’s like that necessary evil that you have to swallow.  A bitter pill.  The Brussels Sprout (I love Brussels Sprouts tho) of running world.  Original workout was 1200X4, 2@10K, 2@5K, 400 recoveries…but whatever.  http://connect.garmin.com/activity/355753687  7:27, 7:15, 7:16, 7:11.  Apparently the workout was 1200X4. 1@10K, 3@5K.

Friday August 9:
Secret.  I did a small illegal run because I felt really salt-bloated from a salty meal.  3M on TM at lunch.

Saturday August 10:
Long Run.  Had poopy issues all day.  I woke up with poopy issues, poopy issues followed me to the Park, it followed me to mile 12.  http://connect.garmin.com/activity/356476394
4@9:00, 4@8:20-8:10, 6@8:00-7:50, 1 as Cool Down.  (2 gels)  I was zonked out after this run.  I zombie around the house until 4pm…

Sunday August 11:
Treadmill day again.  It was nice out but didn’t have it in me to go out.  Zonkie zonk.

Thursday, August 8, 2013

10 Weeks To Go

Whoa, time flies.  We’re almost done with summer which means training is only going to get harder from here.  This week was recovery week which meant a lot things were slower and boring-er.

Monday 7/29 – All TM in the AM.  Went to spin at night.  It was another power oriented class which meant lower HR, more legs.

Tuesday 7/30 – Faster Finish Week 9. New twist on the familiar 800s.  800X3 at Marathon Pace, 800X2 at Half Marathon Pace, 800X3 at 10K pace.  It all went really well.  http://connect.garmin.com/activity/351008060

Wednesday 7/31 – Easy 6M.  It was really nice day with lower humidity and lower temperatures.  I seem to go pretty fast…but it’s only 6Ms.   Anyone can run at PR pace for 6Ms. http://connect.garmin.com/activity/351491589

Thursday 8/1 – Second speed work day.  Pretty basic.  Warm up to 72nd Street Transverse, out-n-back for a mile at marathon target pace range of 7:45-8:00. Nailed it.  But again, anyone can run PR pace for two miles…  http://connect.garmin.com/activity/352122286  I did a little run afterwards to see how tired I was.  I wasn’t.   http://connect.garmin.com/activity/352122296

Friday was off.

Saturday 8/3 – Race Day.  Massive embarrassment with pacing.  I know it’s not my distance and it’s not what I’m training for, but it hurts.

Sunday 8/4 – Easy Run.  Licking my wounds.  http://connect.garmin.com/activity/353683203