Tuesday, July 30, 2013

11 Weeks To Go.

O dear.  I found out that I will have my period on Toronto marathon…Must go get pills to artificially delay this mess.  Ugh.

The heat wave somewhat subsided and this made it for a rather easier training this past week, even though it was a heavy load week.
Monday 7/22: Started with a bang of 7M in the AM and 3M at lunch for a total of 10M.  All were done on treadmill because…because…I was not feeling like going outside, after a 18M then a 10K race over the weekend.  Also, I found out that my new earbuds suck.
Tuesday 7/23:  Faster Finish Week 8. http://connect.garmin.com/activity/347329943  Progressive 400m repeats up the Tavern on the Hell.  I did near perfect splits.  2:03, 1:57, 1:54, 1:50, 1:47, 1:46, 1:47, 1:42.
Wednesday 7/24:  Second 10M day this week, with middle miles at Marathon Pace to boot.  This went well, I was relaxed and felt good.  I had little sleep the night before, but I felt strong and throughout the run.  http://connect.garmin.com/activity/347819894
Thursday 7/25:  Track Day.  http://connect.garmin.com/activity/348447127
This was the most complicated track work to date.
1200 = 3 X (200m @ 10K, 200m @5K)
400m Recovery
1600 = 4 X (200m @ 10K, 200m @5K)
400m Recovery
2000 = 5 X (200m @ 10K, 200m @5K)
Friday 7/26:  Off Day.
Saturday 7/27:  Supported Long Run.  This was my first 20M run post Boston Marathon.  I think it went well…but I was off target speed.  I felt strong throughout and was able to pick up at the end, so I think, all things considered, this is pretty decent.
Sunday 7/28:  Normally I run more than recommended, but this day, I was perfectly happy to put in the recommended 4Ms on the treadmill and call it a day.  I still hate my new earbuds.

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

12 Weeks to Go - as in 3 months left.

Monday 7/15:  I was really gun-ho about this and aimed at 7M or treadmill work but at 5M mark, I decided that I’m a wimp and stuck to the recommended 6M.  This was also my first official (as in Terry approved) Monday Double.  Since I had signed up for spin class already, I squeezed in the 3M at lunch.
AM:  6M + 3M at lunch.
PM:  Spin Class.  There was some power-gage competition going on at this class and managed to be “Queen of the Hill” for stage 5 (of 10). 
Tuesday 7/16:  AM said off.  I decided to follow orders and slept in.  With big weekend runs looming, I decided that small illegal run was going to be pointless.
PM:  Faster Finish Week 7  FULL CAT HILL REPEATS.  Since I was Queen of the Hill the night before, I decided that I was Contador.  I doped before the class on a pack of PowerGel (ha!) and powered through the hills.  Left the dudes whimpering at the water fountain. I didn’t hit true 5K pace, but I think I get “A” for effort and a yellow jersey.  http://connect.garmin.com/activity/343757451
Wednesday 7/18:  AM Steady 8M.  Of course I had to throw in some MPs.  Toronto is around the corner. http://connect.garmin.com/activity/344215223
PM:  http://connect.garmin.com/activity/344215229  Another official double.  It said 3M easy on TM.  I did it outside, since apparently all this hot weather is supposed to make me stronger.   I then ran into friends and got talked into going around the reservoir for fun.
Thursday 7/18:  http://connect.garmin.com/activity/344666529 This was pretty hard.  First Terry wanted it done in the evening instead of AM.  AM was hot anyways, but in the PM, it just got worse.  Ah well.  I had to cheat and take a break between the loops.  Just couldn’t keep on going.  I also had difficulty staying the pace on the last loop.  It’s a mental thing.  Had I had a partner to run, I don’t think I would’ve stopped.  Just need more mental training, says Terry. 
Friday 7/19:  Sweet, sweet, off day.
Saturday 7/20:  18M Long Run.  I took a lot of breaks just to keep on going.  I tried to keep it consistent as possible until 9:30 when hell broke lose.  Fire of Hades rained upon us.  Really. 
Sunday 7/21:  NYRR Queens 10K.  http://connect.garmin.com/activity/345911390
Something happened and what was going to be a recovery run turned into an all out MP race with a dude that elbowed me to get water at the FIRST WATER STOP.  Really dude?!?  You gonna elbow check me for water at mile 1?!?!?  I really wanted to cross check him from behind, but quickly remembered that’s illegal in hockey and it’s illegal in a road race.  I beat him anyways so revenge is sweet. 

Monday, July 15, 2013

14 er, 13 Weeks to Go.

Looks like I missed a week.
July 4th week was a bit of a break week, which involved me attempting to play tri-athlete.
I tried this thing called “BRICK WORK” that they like to do.  It involved a Citibike and a run.  Um…not recommended.  Citibike was heavy and it was rather dangerous to bike with NYC cabs. 

I also successfully rescued a green turtle on 72nd Transverse.  He was all by himself wandering the street, where in a few minutes would have been open to vehicular traffic.  I picked him up and walked over to the pond.  I managed to get pee’d on in the process, but hey, he probably thought I was going to eat him.  I’d be scared too if a giant suddenly picked me up. 

Tuesday 7/2:  Faster Finish  http://connect.garmin.com/activity/336813133
I think it’s decent numbers.  This was far easier than the 800m at Great Lawn for some reason.

I’ve finally concluded that clockwise is easier than counter clock.

Turtle Rescue!  Don’t mind the splints.  I used preprogrammed workout for pacing purposes.

Nothing special.  It wasn’t the best but didn’t fade towards the end, so it’s good, I think.

WEEK 13.
We’re back to work on Week 13 with some MP’ed runs.  Which is good because I have been secretly practicing them on the TM.  I can’t seem to hold it for more than 4Ms which concerns me but I’m going to blame it on boredom…for now.

Monday 7/8:  6M on Treadmill, followed by Spin Class at night.

Tuesday 7/9:  Easy 5M on Treadmill in the morning, then FF.  
OK, the numbers are impressive, but it was downhill for the hard parts.  I think we got a break in this class.  Maybe Terry finally felt sorry for us…?!
“10K Tempo” is 7:18, 7:16, 7:09, 6:55, 6:57, 6:59.
“Finishing Pace” is 6:11, 6:04, 6:15, 6:20, 6:14, 6:19.  
I get faster on the “10K” and slower on the “Finishing” as I go along – not a good sign.

Wednesday 7/10: http://connect.garmin.com/activity/340616767 This was unbelievably hot and humid, but since I promised myself that I won’t complain about heat or fatigue this session, I had to work hard to keep the numbers as suggested. 

Friday 7/12:  This workout was supposed to be done on Thursday morning.  I just didn’t want to do another hot and humid run.  I knew the numbers will be crap and I’d rather have a morale booster than a downer…so I arbitrary moved it to Friday.  I was STILL not into it.  At the start, it felt like “ugh.  It’s going to be one of THOSE runs…” http://connect.garmin.com/activity/341513348

By Saturday, I’m feeling a little better.  The weather was humid but it wasn’t hot.  It also helped that I got rained on.  My shorts and my shirt stuck to me like glue, which was annoying…but I managed to get numbers in as requested.

Sunday 7/14: TM…I secretly did a 10K run, with  the second 5K being MP...wasn’t as hard as when I did it in the park (naturally).

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

15 More Weeks To Go

We've officially moved to summer with this tropical weather.
Not liking it, but since this session's motto is "I will not complain about heat nor fatigue.", I'm going to have to deal with it.  It'll make me a stronger runner - or so I hope.

Monday 6/24: 7M on treadmill.  I'm liking these morning runs on the treadmill, as I can secreatly practice marathon pace.  Evening, I went to spin class.

Tuesday 6/25:  AM - Illegal 5M run on treadmill.  Faster Finish Week 4.  NEW! 2X Upper Reservoir Loop. HMP and Time Trial.  It could've been faster, but I think this is half decent.  http://connect.garmin.com/activity/333375058

Wednesday 6/26:  Midweek Midmiles 8M.  My goal here is really not to get too slow during the summer.  Each long run, I do want to keep it below 8:30 pace, if not faster.  http://connect.garmin.com/activity/333826650

Thursday 6/27:  Went to the hard Pilates class in the AM, then had hard Trackwork in the evening.
4X 400m MP, 400m 10K, 400m 5K, no recovery.  I was OK for the first two sets, then after the third, it got progressively hard after the 5K.  I liked the workout, but it was hard. http://connect.garmin.com/activity/334184646

Friday 6/28: After much mulling around with my running partner on whether or not I should do an illegal run, it was decided that I'll try to do some speed work on treadmill.  Especially sine the Thursday night work was bad.  400m MP, 400m 5K back to back for 3 miles after a 1 mile warm up.

Saturday 6/29:  Pride Run sandwiched between 2.5M or warm up and recovery.  Decided that I should aim for marathon race pace.  Result was bad.  I just didn't have it after the Cat Hill and gave up.  I was going strong on the West Drive Hills, so I'm OK with it.   http://connect.garmin.com/activity/335012644

Sunday 6/30:  Long Run 16M.  Was OK until the last few miles, when I suddenly had a difficult time concentrating.  Can't figure out if it was fuel or boredom...http://connect.garmin.com/activity/335524828

Total Miles:  appx 55