I’m typically a drama queen when it comes to running. (or maybe everything else) Unconsciously, I make a big deal of something pretty small. So read the below with a grain of salt…
After a somewhat decent week of faux-tapering I was headed to Boston for a Boston Marathon Course Long Run. I was a bit sad because I really wanted to run with my running partner. Because then I can blame faster than designated pace on her – or rather - I’d have somebody that will pull me through the nasty bits that’s typically included in long runs.
However, we had a plan! This time, my partner could run more than last year, so we came up with a brilliant plan! While she didn’t start with me, the plan was to meet at mile 12 marker, and she was going to run from there to top of Heartbreak with me.
I had told her I have to run to where the course turns from Commonwealth to Cleveland Circle at the Chestnut Hill Reservoir because I thought I should include one mile of cool down. Our “finish lines” were going to be a bit different. Her, at Heartbreak, mine at Cleveland Circle.
She dropped me off at the start, went back to the hotel to get her husband, who was also going to run part of the course. We were to meet at mile 12 an hour and a half later. I thought I’d start at 8:30 so we decided to meet at mile 12 at around 10:10AM, to accommodate for some washroom stops, etc.
First mistake happened when I started a tad early and I didn’t have the washroom stops like I did last year. I ended up at mile 12 at 9:49. No biggy. I did an easy out-n-back to the town of Wellesley, and assumed that my partner and her hubby will get to mile 12 tad early just to be safe.
Hey did you know that saying, “when you assume, it makes an ass out of u and me”?
I did the out-n-back (about 10 min) and waited another 10 minutes or so to 10:12. I stood in the cold for over 10 minutes and I was starting to shiver. Not seeing them, I begged for a phone off a nice Wellesley girl cheering, and called my husband to call them with a message that “I’ll be at the finish line”. I figured I’ll just go finish this stupid thing and I’ll find them easy at the end. I did so last year, after all.
Well, my partner and her hubby was caught in traffic and they couldn’t find a parking spot. Also, they were looking for me along the course on their way down from Boston, so they thought I was running late. They finally got the car parked and ready around 10:15, and not seeing me RAN BACKWARDS towards Natick. Not seeing me back there, they eventually got my husband’s message.
Second mistake. I had ASSUMED that my husband will call them Matt right away at 10:15. He didn’t. So we wasted more time and more miscommunication occurred.
Once they got the message my partner continued to run, and Matt drove to the “finish”. WELL. I didn’t specify where my finish was in my message, and through it all we all got confused which “finish” we should be using. They go towards Heartbreak, but since they don’t see me, starts to drive the course back and forth. Why I didn’t see them at Heartbreak is a mystery…
By 11:40, I had finished my run and waited, and waited, and waited at the Chestnut Hill Reservoir. At one point I asked some woman in a NY Marathon shirt if I can borrow her phone. I was wearing a NYC Half Marathon shirt, so I thought “NYer to NYer” she’d be nice. She says, “Sorry, I really can’t. I’m tracking my run and I don’t want the battery to die”. @ ()*(*(@#!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Get a Garmin, woman!!!!!!! But hey, I understood, but this totally discouraged me from asking for a phone from a stranger. So I waited, waited and waited, and started to shake from hypothermia pretty badly. By 12:20 my legs were cramping and I was getting a bit dizzy. Dehydration (I ran the whole thing with only 8oz of water). Hypothermia. Hunger induced depression. Panic Mode. My mind started to play games on me…I didn’t know what to do.
At this point, I am not thinking clearly (carb deprived brain takes longer to make decisions), because it took me from 11:40 to 12:20 to decide that I should go find the volunteers/other running clubs that were standing around at the top of the Heartbreak. They will probably lend me their phone more than some random jogger…The thing was from Chestnut Hill Reservoir to Heartbreak is a rather giant up hill incline and it also meant that the nice 15mph tail wind was now going to be 15mph headwind. I wasn’t sure I can run up there in the condition I was in. But sitting by the Reservoir wasn’t doing anything and I was panicking even more.
Trying to calm myself down, I jogged back towards Heartbreak – I figured uphill/headwind is better than a ride in an ambulance. Moving, after all, was better than standing in the cold. I make it to the Dunkin Donuts at 15 Commonwealth, right near the T-stop. Seeing bunch of runners, I ask if anyone can lend me their phone – I’m in near tears. I offer to buy whomever that lends me their phone a donut and coffee with my last $20. Some guy with 3% battery lends me his phone, I call my husband, he calls my friends, and I was finally saved at 12:40. (the guy didn’t take my money LOL)
In hindsight, this was stupid plan to meet in the middle. ESPECIALLY at mile 12 Wellesley where there is no discernible landmark. I should’ve just ran with more than $20 and taken a cab back to the hotel on my own… I guess we planned it this way because last year we found each other so easily.
Next year, we have to work this out better, IF there is a next year………
Oh, and one more thing. Pace Bands Are Evil.